{{define "head"}} music - ari melody 💫 {{end}} {{define "content"}}

# my music

{{range $Release := .}}
{{$Release.Title}} artwork


{{$Release.PrintArtists true true}}


{{if $Release.IsReleased}} {{end}}

> "can i use your music in my content?"

yes!* in most cases...

all of my self-released songs are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0. anyone may use and remix these songs freely, so long as they provide credit back to me and link back to this license! please note that all derivative works must inherit this license.

a great example of some credit text would be as follows:

music used: ari melody - free2play
licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

if the song you want to use is not released by me (i.e. under a record label), their usage rights will likely trump whatever i'd otherwise have in mind. i'll try to negotiate some nice terms, though!

i believe that encouraging creative use of artistic works is better than stifling any use at all. if you do happen to use my work in something you're particularly proud of, feel free to send it my way!

> ari@arimelody.me
