import http from "http"; import fs from "fs"; import { WebSocket, WebSocketServer } from "ws"; import path from "path"; const BASE_URL = ""; const CLIENT_ID = process.env.TWITCH_CLIENT_ID; const CLIENT_SECRET = process.env.TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET; const BROADCASTER_NAME = process.env.TWITCH_BROADCASTER; const STATIC_DIR = path.join(import.meta.dirname, "static"); let BOT_TOKEN = process.env.TWITCH_BOT_TOKEN; let REFRESH_TOKEN = ""; let CSRF_STATE = generateCSRFToken(); let ws; let wss; let clients = []; let broadcasterInfo; let botInfo; let avatarCache = {}; const mimeTypes = { "html": "text/html", "css": "text/css", "js": "application/javascript", "png": "image/png", }; const PORT = 8080; function start() { if (!CLIENT_ID) { console.error("TWITCH_CLIENT_ID not provided! Exiting..."); process.exit(1); } if (!CLIENT_SECRET) { console.error("TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET not provided! Exiting..."); process.exit(1); } if (!BROADCASTER_NAME) { console.error("TWITCH_BROADCASTER not provided! Exiting..."); process.exit(1); } const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { log_request(req, res, handler) }) server.listen(PORT); startWebsocketServer(server); if (!BOT_TOKEN) { console.log( "This software requires a Twitch bot/user account to function.\n" + `Please go to http://localhost:${PORT} to log in with your bot/user account.`, ); } } async function handler(req, res) { if (req.url == "/") { if (!BOT_TOKEN) { res.writeHead(307, { "Location": getOAuth2URL(), }); res.end(); return; } res.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"}); res.write("
Already authenticated!
"); res.write("Log in with another account"); res.end(); return; } if (req.url.startsWith("/?")) { await handleOAuth(req, res); return; } if (req.url.split("?")[0] == "/chat") { const filepath = path.join(import.meta.dirname, "views", "chat.html"); fs.readFile(filepath, (err, data) => { if (err) { res.writeHead(404, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}); res.end("Not Found"); return; } res.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"}); res.write(data); res.end(); }); return; } var filepath = path.join(STATIC_DIR, req.url.split("?")[0]); if (!filepath.startsWith(STATIC_DIR)) { res.writeHead(404, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}); res.end("Not Found"); return; } fs.readFile(filepath, (err, data) => { if (err) { res.writeHead(404, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}); res.end("Not Found"); return; } const ext = filepath.substring(filepath.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": mimeTypes[ext] || "text/plain", }); res.write(data); res.end(); }); } async function handleOAuth(req, res) { const params = new URLSearchParams(req.url.substring(2)); req.url = "/?code=No code provided.
"); res.write("Log in with Twitch"); res.end(); return; } if (state != CSRF_STATE) { res.writeHead(400, {"Content-Type": "text/html"}); res.write("CSRF state mismatch. This is a very bad thing probably!
"); res.write("Log in with Twitch"); res.end(); return; } const oAuthResponse = await getOAuthToken(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, code); BOT_TOKEN = oAuthResponse.access_token; REFRESH_TOKEN = oAuthResponse.refresh_token; CSRF_STATE = generateCSRFToken(); broadcasterInfo = (await getUsers(CLIENT_ID, BOT_TOKEN, BROADCASTER_NAME))[0]; botInfo = (await getUsers(CLIENT_ID, BOT_TOKEN, null))[0]; console.log("Bot token assigned!"); startWebsocket(); res.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"}); res.write("Authenticated! You may now close this tab.
"); res.write("Alternatively, log in with another account
"); res.end(); } async function startWebsocket() { if (ws) ws.close(); ws = new WebSocket("wss://"); ws.addEventListener("open", () => { console.log("Twitch websocket open!"); }); ws.addEventListener("message", msg => { handleWSMessage(JSON.parse( }); ws.addEventListener("close", () => { console.log("Twitch websocket closed."); }); ws.addEventListener("error", err => { console.error(err); }); } async function startWebsocketServer(server) { wss = new WebSocketServer({server: server}); wss.on("connection", client => { console.log("New websocket client connected."); clients.push(client); if (!BOT_TOKEN) { client.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "system", message: "Server has not been configured. Check the server console for details.", })); } client.on("close", () => { console.log("Websocket client disconnected."); clients = clients.filter(c => c != client); }); }); } async function handleWSMessage(data) { switch (data.metadata.message_type) { case 'session_welcome': hookWSSubscriptions( case 'notification': switch(data.metadata.subscription_type) { case '': let avatarURL = avatarCache[data.payload.event.chatter_user_login] if (!avatarURL) { const CHATTER_INFO = (await getUsers( CLIENT_ID, BOT_TOKEN, data.payload.event.chatter_user_login) )[0]; avatarCache[CHATTER_INFO.login] = CHATTER_INFO.profile_image_url; avatarURL = CHATTER_INFO.profile_image_url; } console.log(`<${data.payload.event.chatter_user_login}> ${data.payload.event.message.text}`); clients.forEach(client => { client.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "message", message: { name: data.payload.event.chatter_user_name, avatar: avatarURL, colour: data.payload.event.color, text: data.payload.event.message.text, }, })); }); } } } async function hookWSSubscriptions(sessionID) { // chat subscription const res = await fetch(BASE_URL + "/helix/eventsub/subscriptions", { method: "POST", headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer " + BOT_TOKEN, "Client-Id": CLIENT_ID, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ "type": "", "version": "1", "condition": { "broadcaster_user_id":, "user_id":, }, "transport": { "method": "websocket", "session_id": sessionID, } }), }); if (res.ok) { console.log("Connected to stream chat for " + broadcasterInfo.login + "."); clients.forEach(client => { client.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "system", message: "Connected to stream chat for " + broadcasterInfo.login + ".", })); }); } else { const data = await res.json(); console.error("Failed to connect to stream chat for " + broadcasterInfo.login + "."); console.error(JSON.stringify(data)); } } async function getOAuthToken(clientID, clientSecret, code) { const res = await fetch("", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, body: "client_id=" + clientID + "&client_secret=" + clientSecret + "&code=" + code + "&grant_type=authorization_code" + "&redirect_uri=http://localhost:" + PORT, }); return await res.json(); } async function getUsers(clientID, token, username) { let url = BASE_URL + "/helix/users"; if (username) url += "?login=" + username; const res = await fetch(url, { headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer " + token, "Client-Id": clientID, } }); const json = await res.json(); return; } function generateCSRFToken() { const chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; const length = 32; let res = ""; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) res += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)]; return res; } function getOAuth2URL() { return "" + "?response_type=code" + "&client_id=" + CLIENT_ID + "&force_verify=true" + "&redirect_uri=http://localhost:" + PORT + "&scope=user:read:chat" + "&state=" + CSRF_STATE; } async function log_request(req, res, handler) { const startTime = new Date().getTime(); await handler(req, res); const elapsed = new Date().getTime() - startTime; console.log( `[${new Date().toISOString()}]`, req.method, req.url, "-", res.statusCode, "-", req.socket.remoteAddress, "-", `${elapsed}ms` ); } start();