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Python tool to tag photos along a GPX track.
import argparse
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from decimal import Decimal
from pathlib import Path
import sys
import gpx
import exif
def engrave_gpx_data(
exif_data: exif.Image, photopath: Path, wpt: gpx.waypoint.Waypoint
"""Engrave the GPS data from a Waypoint into the image"""
# GPSVersionID
exif_data["gps_version_id"] = 2
lat = wpt.lat
# GPSLatitudeRef
exif_data["gps_latitude_ref"] = "N" if lat >= 0 else "S"
lat = abs(lat)
# GPSLatitude
intlat = int(lat)
declat = int((lat - intlat) * 60)
decdeclat = (lat - intlat - declat / Decimal(60)) * 3600
exif_data["gps_latitude"] = (intlat, declat, decdeclat)
long = wpt.lon
# GPSLongitudeRef
exif_data["gps_longitude_ref"] = "E" if long >= 0 else "W"
# GPSLongitude
long = abs(long)
intlong = int(long)
declong = int((long - intlong) * 60)
decdeclong = (long - intlong - declong / Decimal(60)) * 3600
exif_data["gps_longitude"] = (intlong, declong, decdeclong)
ele = wpt.ele
if ele is not None:
# GPSAltitudeRef
exif_data["gps_altitude_ref"] = 0 if ele >= 0 else 1
# GPSAltitude
exif_data["gps_altitude"] = abs(ele)
if wpt.hdop:
exif_data["gps_dop"] = wpt.hdop
utctime = wpt.time.replace(tzinfo = timezone.utc)
# GPSTimeStamp
exif_data["gps_datestamp"] = utctime.strftime("%Y:%m:%d")
# GPSDateStamp
exif_data["gps_timestamp"] = (utctime.hour, utctime.minute, utctime.second)
with photopath.open(mode="wb") as photo:
then = utctime.strftime("%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S")
f"[{then}] {photopath.name}: {intlat}°{declat}'{decdeclat:02.6}\"N ({lat}) {intlong}°{declong}'{decdeclong:02.6}\"W ({long})"
def run(gpxf: str, photodir: str):
"""Run the program"""
# Get the file, potentially
gpxobj = gpx.GPX.from_file(gpxf)
# Open the directory
photos = Path(photodir)
if not photos.exists():
print(f'Unable to open photographs folder "{photodir}" !', file=sys.stderr)
# Get the time bounds of the GPX segments
gpx_time_bounds = compute_gpx_time_bounds(gpxobj)
time_photo_dict = find_applicable_images(gpx_time_bounds, photos)
times_to_find = list(time_photo_dict.keys())
# Find the earliest point that is okay for all photos
last_point = None
for track in gpxobj.tracks:
for seg in track.segments:
for point in seg.points:
if last_point is None:
last_point = point
if len(times_to_find) == 0:
# Job's done
while (
len(times_to_find) > 0
and last_point.time <= times_to_find[0] < point.time
# Oh, `last_point` was what we wanted
engrave_gpx_data(*time_photo_dict[times_to_find[0]], last_point)
last_point = point
def find_applicable_images(
gpx_time_bounds: list[tuple[datetime, timedelta]], photos: Path
) -> dict[datetime, (exif.Image, Path)]:
"""Find images in the photo path within the given GPX segment time bounds"""
result = {}
local_tz = datetime.now(timezone.utc).astimezone().tzinfo
for root, _, candidates in photos.walk(
on_error=lambda x: print(f"Could not open {x}"),
for candidate in candidates:
with open(root / candidate, mode="rb") as candidate_file:
exif_data = exif.Image(candidate_file)
if len(exif_data.list_all()) == 0:
candidate_time = datetime.strptime(
exif_data.datetime_original, "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S"
# Find an applicable time bound
for bound_min, bound_dur in gpx_time_bounds:
if bound_min <= candidate_time < bound_min + bound_dur:
result[candidate_time] = (exif_data, Path(root / candidate))
print(f"Found {len(result)} candidate pictures")
return result
def compute_gpx_time_bounds(gpxobj: gpx.gpx.GPX) -> list[tuple[datetime, timedelta]]:
"""Compute the time bounds of GPX segments"""
return [
(seg.points[0].time, seg.duration)
for track in gpxobj.tracks
for seg in track.segments
def main():
"""The main function"""
args = parse_arguments()
run(args.gpx_file, args.photo_older)
def parse_arguments() -> argparse.Namespace:
"""Parse arguments to the programs"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Correlate and tag images using a GPX track",
usage="%(prog)s [-h] <gpx_file> <photo_folder>",
return parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == "__main__":